Christmas Chez Nous

Lovely Christmastime is here again! This year I was inspired by the light... since we've had a nice little run of really good weather,  the light has not been gloomy and dark, even for Winter Solstice time. I wanted to capture the pretty light of day and infuse our home with it's cheerfulness even at night. 

Using things found, I pulled together our Christmas home in no time at all... the perfect setting for our Christmas Eve dungeness crab feast and Christmas morning brunch. 

Hoping your holiday is filled with light, warmth, love and peace!

this simple green wreath adorned only with pinecones
is a refreshing sight in front of the mirror

the Christmas tree peeking around the corner to 
see what all the fuss in the dining room is!

the mantel holds fresh white tulips in vintage glass

the mid-century star keeps company with the
rare pink coral and the silver fish on the

the lovely Christmas Tree 2011! I just wanted to use
green and white, and these giant balls were the
perfect choice (from my stash of ornaments, that is!);
I tucked white starfish in the branches
and we're done!

this old French painting of a battle scene (inherited!) 
sets a somber & serious tone... so I used
antique paper Chinese lanterns,  pink peonies and
Mexican angels 
to lighten the mood; flanking the painting are
 wrought iron peacock door panels

silver pitchers holding peonies reflect
the light and bounces in back into the room

dining room is ready for the festivities! 

I started to create a flowery centerpiece then I decided I 
really like the simple beauty of the
way the bottles of water capture and disperse the light
and left it at that

Christmas place settings using vintage pieces:  
French flea market silverware,
 the dishes (you've certainly seen a lot of those Minton
dishes I scored at l'Isle sur la Sorgue last Easter!)
 and the heavy 60's goblet


thank you for visiting, today and always!


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